Bye-Bye Bat Wings: The Best Arm Workouts for Women Over 50
There’s nothing wrong with a little sag! Are you over 50 and noticing a little jiggle? Aging is inevitable and will bring about a natural deterioration in muscle mass. However, strength training is important to maintain muscle mass and bone density. In order to build strength, increase your range of motion and improve confidence - it’s crucial to engage in physical activity. The following exercises are sure to help tighten and tone your arm muscles:
- Bicep Curls: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold a pair of dumbbells at your sides with your palms facing forward. Slowly curl the weights up towards your shoulders, keeping your elbows close to your body. Pause at the top of the movement, then slowly lower the weights back down to starting position.
- Tricep Kickbacks: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold a dumbbell in each hand. Hinge forward from your hips, keeping your back straight and your elbows bent at a 90-degree angle. Slowly extend your arms straight back, squeezing your tricep muscles at the top of the movement. Lower the weights back down to starting position.
- Wall Push-ups: Start in a plank position against a wall with your hands directly under your shoulders and your feet hip-width apart. Bend your elbows slowly as you lower your chest towards the wall, keeping your elbows close to your body. Push back up to starting position.
- Overhead Press: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold a pair of dumbbells at shoulder height with your palms facing forward. Slowly press the weights overhead, extending your arms fully. Pause at the top of the movement, then slowly lower the weights back down to starting position.
- Hammer Curls: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold a pair of dumbbells at your sides with your palms facing inwards. Slowly curl the weights up towards your shoulders, keeping your elbows close to your body. Pause at the top of the movement, then slowly lower the weights back down to starting position.
- Cactus Arms: Stand tall against a wall with your legs shoulder-width apart. Arms should open out to the side and bend your elbows at a 90 degree angle. Look straight ahead with your chin parallel to the floor. Squeeze your shoulder blades together and allow the chest to widen. Take a couple deep breaths before lowering your arms back to your sides.
Remember to start with a weight that is challenging but manageable for you, and gradually increase the weight as you get stronger. It's important to maintain good form throughout each exercise to avoid injury and maximize results. If you are unsure of the aforementioned exercises or require more information, your friendly therapists at Altima Physio in Milton are here to help! We offer no-obligation phone call or in-person assessments to make sure these exercises are right for you.